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Six of the most interesting include: Andean Condor, Piranha, Capybara, Southern Right Whale, Anaconda, Giant Tortoise Hope this helps (I just did a report on them too!) oh, i forgot these: Short-eared dog and Alpaca. You might also try just typing your question into your search engine, that is how I did it! enjoy!

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9y ago

Because of the Amazon Rainforest, South America probably has more animal species than any other continent. I can't begin to list all of the animals there. Som famous examples of South American species include Jaguars, tapir, peccary, capybara, caiman, howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, spider monkey, many types of macaw, anacondas, jaguarundi, ocelots, sloths, anteaters, and armadillos.

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It's a secret.

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Q: What animals are native to South America?
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What contanent are llamas from?

In North America. They then migrated to South America.

What are south America's native animals?

Andean Condor,Piranha,Capybara,Southern Right Whale,Anaconda,,Giant Tortoise

What are the four animals native to south America?

sloth, jaguar, llama, oncilla

What animals are native to America?


What animals are found in South America?

Many animals live in South America. You will find animals from the tiny little Poison Dart Frogs all the way to leopards; even animals such as the Maned Wolf and Giant Anteater. A good website for mammals in South America can be found at the related link below. The second link will give a list of South American reptiles.

What country is a llama native to?

Llamas are domesticated animals of the camelid family. Although they are believed to had originated in Central America, they are now extinct there because they migrated to South America about three million years ago. Nowadays they are widely spread and bred in Andean countries, such as Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador. They are intelligent and peaceful animals that can be easily trained, they are very appreciated as pack animals.

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South America has more animals than Africa

What are the words for llama and alpaca in some of the languages of India?

There are no native words for either of these animals in any language of India, because both of these animals are native to South America and were not known in India until the early 20th Century.

Is a kinkajou Australian?

No. They are Native to/from South America, and Central America.

Where is Tomato sauce native?

The tomato is native to South America and Mexico.

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No petunias are native to South America.

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The Avacado is a tree native to The Caribbean, Mexico, South America and Central America.