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depes what you mean.

all felines (tigers, domestic cats) are only supposed to hve meat, and although they can eat veg, they will die without meat unless special Vitamins and Supplements are supplied

hope this helps ;)

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Q: What animals are strictly carnivores?
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What animals just eat meat?

Animals which are purely meat-eating are known as carnivores.

What are some animals that are herbivores omnivores and carnivores?

Omnivores are animals that are both herbivore and carnivore. For example, Humans are Omnivores, unless they are vagan or strictly vegetarian. Carnivores are predators. They hunt down other animals. Herbivores eat plants.

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Elephants are not (Carnivores) predatory animals, they are strictly herbivores, which means they eat vegetation only, and not meat.

Why do foxes have to be carnivores?

Foxes are omnivores and not strictly carnivores. They eat plants as well as animals. During some seasons their diet may consist of only plants, such as berries.

Do owls only eat animals?

Yes, owls are strictly carnivores eating small mammals, fish, insects, etc.

Name the animal that are Carnivores?

Animals that are carnivores, are ones that eat meat. Lions, tigers, crocodiles, leopards, cheetahs, wolves, and other animals make up this group. There are also the animals that eat meat and plants which are called omnivores, such as bears and humans. Strictly plant eating animals are herbivores.

Can elephants be carnivores?

No, elephants are strictly herbivores.

Do carnivores eat vegetables?

No- carnivores eat strictly meat.

What kinds of animals are carnivores?

carnivores are animals that eat meat.

The animals eat other animals are called what?

Carnivores and omnivores both eat other animals.

Are manatees herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

They are strictly herbivorous.

What is the nutrition of lions?

Lions are strictly carnivores (meat eaters).