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Q: What animals built homes in rivers?
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How do rivers affect life?

Rivers carry water to the ocean or sea. They take mountain snows. Sometimes they flood and damage the surrounding area. They are also full of fish, animals, and plants. The provide water for humans and agriculture. Some are even big enough for boats, or powering electrical power plants.

Do the animals have homes besides the forest?

they have homes like oceans lakes rivers and even houses (as a pet)

How did the Hoover Dam being built effect the animals that lived there?

it destroyed there homes

How did the tocobaga Indians built there homes?

they survived by eating berries, corn and small animals.

Why are the rural homes built on platforms in southeast Asia?

Because of Insects, Wild animals, and Heavy rains.

Why are most European rivers built near rivers?

they are built for plumbing purposes

Why are cities built by rivers?

Before roads rivers canals etc where used to transport goods.the boats was easier transport than animals holding more goods aboard.

Some of the first homes on the plains were built of?

The majority of the homes that were built on prairies were built out of sod.

How did the rivers of ancient mesopotamia hurt the people that lived there?

every year, the rivers flooded, generally after or during the time crops are almost ready to b harvested. They also wiped out homes , drowned people & animals

What did prairie homesteaders build their homes out of?

The majority of the homes that were built on prairies were built out of sod.

What animals steal other animals homes?

animals that use other animals vacant homes are called crustaceans.

Who made the houses for the Yokut Indian?

Did you know that their home is at least 30 feet across,and 60 feet up. Thay mostly built their homes near rivers,and lakes.