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Q: What animals can consume at least half of its body weight in food each day?
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Related questions

What percentage of its body weight does a horse need to consume in feed or forage each day?

A horse needs to consume at minimum 1% of it's body weight daily, but 2% is better.

Where does body have least weight?


How much water does a cow eat a day?

Cows, like all animals, do not eat water, they drink it. And cattle typically consume around 10% of their body weight in water per day.

How many ml of oxygen per kg of body weight per minute does your body consume at rest?

3.5 ml

What is a marsupial mouse that can eat its own body weight daily?

The Dunnart is one type of marsupial mouse that can easily consume the equivalent of its own body weight daily.

How many calories should a woman consume per meal for weight loss?

This depends on body type, height and current weight.

Does smelling a banana or an apple cause weight loss?

If you consume less energy than your body requires.

What happens when you consume more or less calories than your body burns?

Lose weight or put it on. It is that simple...

Where does a body have least weight in earth?

Center of earth.

How much fat can you eat on your daily calories?

You should consume at least 0.75g of protein per kg body weight. After calculating the amounts of calories you get form the recommended intake of protein you subtract that from your daily caloric need. The number you now have should be divided by 9 and you have the amount of fat (in grams) that you should eat to reach your caloric need. Because carbohydrates are non-essential I did not include them. The lowest amount of fat you should consume is 1g per kg body weight. So if you want to consume carbohydrates you could easily add them into the equation.

Is psilocybin deadly?

If you consume the psilocybin contained in 15% of your body weight worth of magic mushrooms you will die 50% of the time.

How much water must one consume in order to rid marijuana from the system in 3 days?

the amount of you body weight.