

What animals can you save by not littering?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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If you live near a river, lake etc. many types of fish can be saved. Also small animals like birds or squirrels can ingest litter. Even larger animals like deer or even bears can have a body part caught or vision obstructed. If you want to extend further, plants can have their roots caught and have growth stopped also litter in water can effect aquatic plants.

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Q: What animals can you save by not littering?
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How do you save various animals?

you could go on to the RSPCA website. one thing that would really help animals especially marine animals is not littering.

Why is littering not good for animals?

Littering is not good for animals because they might eat and it will kill them and i messes up their ecosystems

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ofcourse. littering contributes to the death of all animals

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littering is bad for the world because animals may get injured from them.

What animal is going to be extinct if you keep littering?

sloth,frogs,orangatangs and probably much more so STOP LITTERING please and save animals lives and we will live a happy life fyi (for your information) me and my friend are trying to do as much as we can to help the animals from extinction.please join us and help the animals to stay alive. :) thanx

What does littering really affect?

Animals, and the environment.

What are three reasons not to litter?

Littering causes our water to become polluted. Littering harms animals and may kill them. Littering makes our world less attractive.

How can you save narwhals from extinction?

Stop global warming Stop littering Sop polluting the water Stop the over use of fuel Stop Other animals hurting them ( UN native)

What are some of the consequences of littering?

There are many different consequences of littering in the United States. One can be fined for littering a substantial amount of money, or one could accidentally hurt animals who eat their trash.

Why is the effects on littering so bad?

Littering is very bad for the environment! When animals eat the litter, they have indigestion problems and die. Littering effects rivers, if there is garbage in a river then the water is no longer able to drink.