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Q: What animals did Darwin use to show variation in domesticated forms?
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No, Darwin believes that land animals traveled to the Galapagos Islands and adapted to the islands in different ways, causing them to become a different species.

The variation in the forms of adult vertebrates probably arose through mutations in genes?

the variation in the forms of adult vertebrates probably arose through mutations in dominant genes

Which scientist believed that life had a common beginning with new forms branching off from earlier forms?

Charles Darwin

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Various is an adjective; variation or variety are noun forms.

Explain why habitat loss and habitat division are threats to biodiversity?

Habitat loss is such a big threat to biodiversity because since biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome or the entire earth, the less the habitat, the less producers there is. The less the producer, less kinds of animals would be allowed to live on the habitat. As a result, the variation of life forms would threatened.

How did Neolithic people travel?

Neolithic people primarily traveled by foot, as there were no domesticated animals for transportation at that time. They likely walked or used crude forms of transport such as rafts, canoes, or sledges. As agricultural practices developed, they would have also used animals such as oxen or donkeys to assist with transportation.

What is bioderversity?

Biodiversity means different types of plants and animals in one area.

Complex forms of life evolved over long periods of time from simpler forms?

According to the theories of Charles Darwin complex forms of life evolved over long periods of time from simpler forms.

What effect did Darwin's theories have on thoughts?

When Darwin's theories were originally published, they were immediately regarded as a threat to Christianity, and furious debate erupted, which has in various forms continued to this very day.

What did Darwin's theories have on on contemporary thought?

When Darwin's theories were originally published, they were immediately regarded as a threat to Christianity, and furious debate erupted, which has in various forms continued to this very day.

According to the theories of complex forms of life evolved over long periods of time from?

charles darwin

What did the neolithic people make?

Neolithic people made tools, pottery, woven textiles, and buildings such as homes and temples. They also engaged in agriculture, domesticated animals, and developed early forms of social organization and trade.