

What animals don't talk?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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They do to me. And those who would care to listen. Not in spoken words, animals do not need words nor are they capable of it. The way your dog comes to you for affection speaks volumes if you are a loving human being. When the cat settles contentedly on your lap and purrs...that is communication. The chickadee who sounds a call for food when you are at the bird feeder is making it's needs known. The deer along the trail who stops and looks yet does not run is telling you you are accepted, at least for now. Yes, they talk, in their own way.

Another View

Only if you think that the noises they make are talking.

Another view

They are capable.

Another view

Did you see or read the story of Jill Bolte Taylor? She was a brain scientist who had a stroke and she was conscious through much of it and had an amazing story to tell. As her brain functions for speech deteriorated she heard herself talk like a 'golden retriever' for example, everyone who was talking sounded to her like barking dogs.

So without human brain capacity we humans sound like barking dogs. So I ask the question, without a dog's brain capacity how do we know that dogs or even any animal doesn't have a specific language much like our own? I believe they do.

And I don't believe it is as simple as human language translation. We are talking about different brains here, completely different to our own that if we experienced it we would probably think we were living in a different dimension, much like Jill experienced during her stroke.

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13y ago
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11y ago

They do not verbalise the way people do though they do communicate.

Some chimpanzees have been taught a limited amount of sign language. perhaps most famously Washoe.

(next person's answer) no, they can't, but if you really love it and it have the same feeling as you, you can speak with your heart and mind.

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15y ago

All animals communicate in one way or another.

All animals communicate in one way or another.

All animals communicate in one way or another.

All animals communicate in one way or another.

All animals communicate in one way or another.

All animals communicate in one way or another.

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15y ago

By animal I assume you mean a non-human organism and by talk I assume you mean more than communicate emotions and simple desires. The answer, as far as Science has delved into it (which is quite far indeed), is NO. There is no scientific evidence for such a claim. It is true that not only Parrots but Corvidae - Crow like birds such as Ravens, Mynah birds, et cetera--can be taught to mimic speech but they have no comprehension. Special effects ( Mr. Ed) notwithstanding, no animal other than man can talk.

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11y ago

Some animals can mimic human speech, eg. parrots and myna birds but they don't usually understand the meaning of the words.

Animals communicate through sounds (eg. howling, barking, tweeting) and body language (tail waging, ear position etc).

Example for sound:

Vervet monkeys have a different warning call for different types of dangers because they need to respond differently to different dangers. If the "lookout" monkey makes an eagle warning sound then all the monkeys go lower in the tree. If the lookout monkey makes a leopard warning sound then they all climb higher in the tree. If the lookout monkey makes a snake warning sound then all the monkeys group together and throw stones at the snake.

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14y ago

No one knows, but it's possible... @_@ they dont they use signs to talk to each other and what da heck wierd smiley face @_@ stupid ha ha Arceus 924 out peace

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12y ago

NOpe probley in movies but animals that talk in movies is of course a myth!

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7y ago

yes, they can talk, just in a language that us humans cant undestand.
No, because every animal has different vocal cords.

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12y ago

Parrots, parakeets, cockatiels, cockatoos, ravens, crows are the main animals that can actually say human words. Crows are, surprisingly, the smartest of the birds I listed.

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12y ago

Sí pueden repetir ciertas palabras aisladas, en especial algunas aves como los loros, los pericos, los cotorros, los papagayos. Empero no pueden dialogar como cualquiera otra persona.

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