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There are no animals that have feathers besides birds.

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Q: What animals have feathers but are not birds?
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What are the animals that are covered with feather?

All of the animals currently living on Earth that have feathers are birds, and all birds have feathers. There are fossil indications that at least some dinosaurs had feathers when they were young.

Are birds the only animals that have feathers?

Yes, as in the only living animals, they are. However, feathered dinosaurs, the ancestor of birds, also had feathers.

What do birds have that no other animals have?

Birds have feathers, which serve multiple functions such as insulation, waterproofing, and aiding in flight. Feathers are a unique feature of birds that help them to maintain body temperature, display colorful patterns during courtship, and enable them to fly.

Do most animals cover their body with feathers?

No, most animals do not cover their body with feathers. Feathers are a unique feature of birds and some species of dinosaurs. Other animals may have fur, scales, or skin to cover their bodies.

What characteristic distinguishes the birds from other animals?


What group of animals have hallow bones and feathers?


What animals have feathers and hollow bones?

most birds

Which structures do birds share with no other animals?


Are toucans covered with feathers?

Yes, especially because they are birds. :)

Name 8 animals with feathers?

BirdsThe only animals that have feathers are various birds. Some other animals have feathers probably, but this is basically the only animal that has feathers on it's body.

Who do you know birds are birds?

Birds are the only animals with feathers unless you count the dinosaur-birds like archeopteryx. Look for their beaks, scaly legs, feathers and small eyes.

a land animal with feathers?

Birds are actually the only land animals with feathers.