



Quack! If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck or swims like a duck, then you are in the right place. We know wild and domestic ducks, farm ducks and pet ducks.

4,120 Questions

What female duck is known as susie?

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A Mallard hen is called a Susie. I am a hunter and hunter safety instructor.

Why do ducks stand on one leg?

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Ducks may stand on one leg to conserve body heat by tucking one leg against their body, reducing heat loss through their limbs. This behavior also helps ducks balance and utilize their muscles efficiently while resting.

Ducklings will sometimes treat a person as their mother what is this an example of?

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This is an example of imprinting, a process where a young animal forms an attachment to the first moving object it sees after hatching. The ducklings associate the person with their mother figure and follow them accordingly.

Can a chicken mate with a duck?

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Yes, chickens and ducks can mate, but interbreeding between different species is rare and unlikely to produce viable offspring. In most cases, their genetic differences make it difficult for successful reproduction to occur.

What changes take place in Unfertilized egg day 1-4?

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In the first four days after fertilization, the unfertilized egg undergoes cell divisions to form a blastocyst. The blastocyst undergoes differentiation into the inner cell mass and trophoblast, which will later develop into the embryo and placenta, respectively. By day 4, the blastocyst implants into the uterine lining.

In bingo what number is known as two little ducks?

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The number 22 is known as "two little ducks" in bingo.

Is there a rubber duck store in NY?

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Yes, there are stores in New York that sell rubber ducks. One well-known store is Kikkerland in Manhattan, which sells various quirky and novelty items, including rubber ducks. Additionally, toy stores and gift shops around the city may also carry rubber ducks.

Why wouldn't eggs in the store hatch even if they were incubated?

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Eggs sold in stores are typically unfertilized, meaning they will not develop into chicks even if incubated. Only fertilized eggs contain the genetic material needed for embryonic development and hatching. Commercially produced eggs for consumption are not fertilized.

What is the main ingredient in Bombay duck?

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The main ingredient in Bombay duck is dried fish, typically the lizardfish or bombil fish. It is known for its strong flavor and pungent smell.

Is duck a solid?

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No, a duck is not a solid. Ducks are living creatures that belong to the Anatidae family of birds. The term "solid" typically refers to a state of matter, such as a physical object with a firm shape and volume.

Do some egg producers paint their eggs white?

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Yes, some egg producers may paint their eggs white in order to improve their appearance or to meet consumer preferences for white eggs. This process involves applying a thin layer of food-grade safe paint on the exterior of the eggs. It is important to note that the paint is typically non-toxic and does not affect the quality or safety of the egg inside.

Do pekin ducks swim?

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Yes, but keep in mind that Pekingese dogs are not natural swimmers unlike some dog breeds such as retrievers, spaniels and poodles. Pekingese dogs need lessons before diving into the water, and should adapt gradually. Start with a shallow, small pool and move on gradually as your dog gets used to it. Also keep in mind that Pekingese dogs have short snouts that can easily become submerged.

Why do brown shelled eggs cost more than white shelled eggs?

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The cost difference between brown and white eggs is not due to quality; it is primarily related to the breed of the hens that lay them. Brown egg-laying hens are larger and require more feed, space, and care, making the production cost slightly higher. This cost is usually passed on to consumers, resulting in a higher retail price for brown eggs.

What is child of a duck called?

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A baby duck is called a duckling. It can be used to refer to any young duck, regardless of species.

How many times does a duck quack in a day?

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well this is a good question, depending on the duck's surroundings the duck will quack a number of times. if the duck lives in a highly dangerious area the duck will quack more warning quacks than lets say one that lives in the middle of nowhere and there is no danger, but this can also be viewed that the duck will make less noise when it is in danger as to not reveal its location to the enemy/danger. a duck communicates by quacking so this also depends on how high the duck is on the "totem pole" if the duck is the "leader" then it tells its followers what to do, but if you have an average duck and he lives in an average place he will aproximately quack 2009 times, yes i know this is also the year we live in but the data proves that this is true no matter how unlikely

Will the muscovy duck move her eggs?

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Muscovy ducks are known to move their eggs occasionally, especially during the early stages of nesting. This behavior is typically done to protect the eggs from potential threats or to find a more suitable nesting spot. It is important to provide a secure and quiet environment for the duck to reduce the chances of her moving the eggs excessively.

Why is great care taken to break the news of Brently Mallard's death to Mrs Mallard?

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Great care is taken to break the news of Brently Mallard's death to Mrs. Mallard because she has a heart condition and the shock of the news could potentially lead to a fatal heart attack. It is important to handle situations like these with sensitivity and consideration for the well-being of the person receiving the news.

What is the aflac ducks name?

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The Aflac Duck's name is known as "Aflac Duck" or "Duck voice".

Do kittens hatch from eggs?

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No, kittens are mammals and are born live. They do not hatch from eggs. Kittens are born after a period of gestation inside their mother's womb and are nursed by her after birth.

Twenty-eight ducks were sitting in the rain One shot killed a seventh. How many did remain?

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There would be 27 ducks remaining after one of them was shot.

What did the duck get?

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The duck got wet because it was swimming in the pond.

What is the difference between egg incubator and hatcher?

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An egg incubator is used to provide a controlled environment for eggs to develop and hatch, while a hatcher is specifically designed for the final stage of hatching eggs. Incubators generally provide the necessary temperature and humidity for embryos to develop, while hatchers optimize conditions for the hatching process itself.

What is the fine for killing a duck?

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The fine for killing a duck can vary depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances surrounding the incident. In many places, killing a duck without a valid permit or for non-hunting purposes can result in fines and potential legal consequences. It is important to follow local laws and regulations regarding wildlife protection.

Is the shell of hens egg as brittle as the shell of duck or goose egg?

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The shell of a hen's egg is typically thinner and more brittle compared to the shells of duck or goose eggs. Duck and goose eggs have thicker and harder shells to provide protection for the larger eggs they lay.

Do chickens and ducks belong to the same species?

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No, chickens and ducks are not the same species. Chickens belong to the species Gallus gallus domesticus, while ducks belong to the species Anas platyrhynchos. They are different species within the bird family.