

Game Birds

Game birds refer to birds that are hunted either for food or sport. Pheasants, turkeys, quails, ducks, and geese are some of the most popular game birds. The meat of these birds is lean.

272 Questions

What is the scientific name for a Partridge?

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Partridges are a type of bird in the pheasant family, Phasianidae, and includes 11 genera for a total of 43 species. A list of all genera and species can be found at

What is a owlox?

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There is no specific term or concept known as "owlox." It may be a typo or error. If you have additional context or information, please provide it for a more accurate response.

A cornish game hen is really the young of what sort of bird?

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A chicken, specifically a Cornish chicken although often crossed with other breeds. Despite the name, they are not a 'game bird' (hunted) but a domestic breed, and are not necessarily hens as both male and female chickens are served.

Why are there no pheasants in KY?

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Pheasants will live just fine in Kentucky . The thing is they can't reproduce here. This is the real question and no one seems to have the answers. Of course I don't think anyone is really trying

When do partridges have babies?

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partridges have their young so that they go grow up and have more baby partridges. so their population will rise

What did the duck say to the other duck?

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"honk!" move it boy!

Why wont grouse appear until conifers begin to grow?

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The grouse may build nests in the trees and are more adapted to them. They may even like the nut or things that grow on the tree.

What is gestation period for french partridge?

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Asked by Lindaphilips

what is the gestation period for french partridge?

Is the bobwhite quail endangered?

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Asked by Wiki User

They're endangered because they were living in Arizona in the grass lands and the grass lands then became dry and hot so most of them died but there is still some out there somewhere

How do you incubate quail?

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Asked by Wiki User

to start of with get a reasonable sized carboard box and next get a picture frame and take the glass from it, cut a square from the top of the box smaller than the sheet of glass and then seal around the edge with glue or strong tape so its air-tight that then makes a window for you to see how the eggs are getting on . next line the bottom of the box with a small touel of some sort, then make a small door like shape on the side of the box so you are able to open and close it and connect the light to it but remember it must be no hotter than 60w to prevent fire hazards. then make a small hand sized door on the other side so that your can turn the eggs around once or twice daily and so you can put a little bowl of water and change the temperature if needed and the temperature should be around 100 degrees

Average feed conversion ratio for quail?

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The average feed conversion is the number of kilograms of feed required to feed a pound of a bird. The average feed conversion for turkeys is 3 kilograms.

What is the incubation for a pheasant egg?

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Most hatchability holds on different days so it is best to not go past seven. One important tip is to place the point faced down.

How long can a female pheasant live?

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That depends what era in that past but on average they live 30-35 years.

What kind of partridge eats seeds?

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partridges drink water and eat insects, mud, wild bird food, tiny stones so they can digest their food because they don't have teeth to chew. also grass and leaves

What color is a partridge?

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They can be Green, blue, yellow, white, or violet, and most parakeets have black and white stripes somewhere on them.

How many game birds make a brace?

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A brace normally consists of two birds, traditionally one male and one female.
A brace is two,

for example when out shooting if someone gets

a brace of pheasants he has two of them.

Can a partridge fly?

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38 miles per hour

What food do all pigeons eat?

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Pigeons are grain eaters.

How do doves protect themselves from danger?

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Doves flee from danger utilizing erratic flight paths to deter predation.

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What do Gamble quail chicks eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gamblel's quail eat a variety of things. They need a diet high in protein. I feed my quail game bird feed and quail seed as their main diet. I also raise crickets to feed them which they eat a lot of. They like a variety of fruits and vegtables.

Try broccoli. My quail actually call to me when they are looking for a cricket meal. Now and then I give them meal worms as a treat.

Are California quails nocturnal or dirurnal?

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Diurnal, abroad in the daytime.