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zebras,bunnys or rabbits by.....student of gozalez elem.

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Q: What animals in the grasslands eat coneflowers?
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What animal eats coneflowers?

Woodchucks eat coneflowers. May be some other animals too, but woodchucks for sure.

In grasslands what do animals eat?

The Grass !! Trees Hay etc x

What does animals eat in grasslands?

Grass, trees, anything "planty". Predators can eat other animals too.

What is an example of competition of animals in grasslands?

Animals have to compete, or vie, for grass in order to feed. They have to 'stand their ground' ( no pun intnded) to make sure that they are able to eat grass, especially in areas where grasslands are not plentiful. If there are vast grasslands, animals do not need to compete. Carnivorous animals that eat those animals that eat grass also vie for hunting 'rights'.

What makes animals in the grasslands different then animals?

Grassland animals eat grass. the other animals that are grassland animals like cheetahs that dont eat grass eat other grassland animals like gazzelles. grassland animals also need the temperature of the grasslands. Different animals live in different biomes.

How do animals in the grasslands survive?

they eat grass silly brain!!

What do the animals eat in the grasslands?

grass and other animals that live there

What are the plants and animals in a grassland?

They are things that live there and digest. Animals eat the plants in grasslands and grasslands survivve by the sun. The plants and animals that live in grasslands are called the ZOO because zoo's have animals and plants and so does grasslands THANKS! Hope i helped you & please vote a like! :)

What is a temperate grassland producer?

Yes, because animals that live in grasslands eat the grass.

What are some primary producers of grasslands?

Prime producers of grasslands: Wild flowers Grass Trees Buffalo Grass Sunflower Crazy Weed Asters Blazing Stars Coneflowers Goldenrods Clover Wild Indigos

How do Aniamals adapt to grasslands?

The animals that live in grasslands have adapted to dry, windy conditions. There are grazing animals (that eat the grass), burrowing animals, and their predators; insects are abundant. A moderate of level species diversity exists on a grassland. Many animals live in grasslands, from invertebrates (like grasshoppers and beetles) to large mammals (like antelopes and bison). The different grasslands of the world support different populations of animals

Do vultures live in the prarie?

No, vultures are birds that eat dead animals. They are scavengers and pick apart the remains of previously killed animals.