

What animals live in Sea Caves?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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11y ago

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seals, leopard sharks and small microscopic animal, starfish

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Q: What animals live in Sea Caves?
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Are polar bear caves in glaciers?

No. Polar bears really don't live in caves, they live out on the sea ice.

What animals do caves have?

Animals which live in caves for all or much of their lives include blind fish, a type of arachnid called a harvestman, and crickets. Animals which live in caves seasonally or temporarily, or which shelter in caves include bats, snakes, lizards, bears, mice, rats, and humans.

Why do animals live in caves?

because so other animals dont kill the other animals

Sea animals?

Sea animals live anywhere in the SEA.

Where are Crab from?

the hermit crabs come from the carribean sea they live on sea caves or a sea rock wall!

What animals live in caves in antarctica?

There are no caves in Antarctica -- only crevasses formed by ice tongues at the water's edge. No animals live on the continent: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

Do caves only have nocturnal animals?

No, there can be nocturnal animals that live in other places too.

Animals live in sea?

yes they do live in the sea

How else are sea animals and land animals different?

wekk sea animals live in the water and land animals live on land :)

What kind of animals live on a cay?

There are many different animals that live in caves. Bats for example are a famous animal that lives in a cave.

What kinds of animals live in caves?

cave angelfish, crabs, bats, etc.

What are animals called that live their whole life in caves?

Animals that: Live entirely underground - Troglobites. Use caves at least partly - Troglophiles (e.g. bats) are in caves by accident - Trogloxenes (they don't thrive, and indeed may soon die.)( Aquatic animals found in caves' streams and pools may be described as above, but with the suffix "troglo" replaced to be more specific by "Stygo".