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Q: What animals live in each tidal zone?
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What life zone does the clam live in?

the tidal zone.

What tidal zone does octopus live in?

The intertidal zone

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What zone do dolphins live in?

Dolphins live in the deep marine waters, not in tidal zones.

What is one the best ways to learn about the tidal zone?

To learn about the residents that live there

Is the tidal zone the same as the twight zone?

No. twilight zone was a tv show.. tidal zone is the area where the daily ocean tides have effect..

What animals live in Frigid zone?

The ox and the reindeer are both animals that live in the frigid zone. Also, the caribou is another animal that lives in the frigid zone.

Which animals live in temperate zones?

animals which live in north temerate zone

Animals which live in north temperature zone?

animals which live in north temperature zone, are: Monarch Butterfly Some species of Frog

What are some animals that live in the sunlit zone?

some animals =.=

What TV animals live in surface zone?

the animals that are on tv that live inteh zurface zone are sea turtles dolphins and much more

Which zone is not part of a freshwater habitat?

tidal zone