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Anorexics starve their bodies. They either do not eat, or they limit what they eat. This is not nutritious or healthy. Anorexics often will exercise a lot, to burn off more calories. All of this pretty much starves the body, and can damage (possibly even permanently) organs, cause skin problems, hair problems, weakness, fainting, dizziness, little to no fat left on the body, muscle degeneration, mental problems (depression, suicidal thoughts, BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), blood-pressure problems, and can even be fatal in 20% of anorexics.

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Why do anorexics vans show?

In anorexics, there is little or no fat to cushion and "round out" the skin or muscle on the bodies, so often bones and veins will begin to show through the thin layers of skin.

Why do anorexics use painkillers as diet pills?

That is not commonly done. Anorexics will sometimes abuse painkillers in order to relieve their bodies of the stress that lack of proper nutrition and excessive exercise can place on them or to strive off hunger pains, but painkillers do not work as diet pills.

Who diagnoses anorexics?

Most anorexics are diagnosed by pediatricians or family practitioners

How quickly do anorexics lose weight if there healthy?

Anorexics are never healthy, you need food to be healthy.

How many calories do anorexics consume?

Most anorexics consume 600-800 calories a day.

Are anorexics in denial?

Most anorexics deny that they are ill and are usually brought to treatment by a family member

Do healthy anorexics exist?


Are all anorexics chronic exercisers?

You cannot apply a number like 100% to that, but many anorexics do over-exercise.

Is this true that anorexics their weight differently to others?

Yes. Anorexics usually weigh less than a healthy person does.

How do you use the word anorexics in a sentence?

The amount of anorexics in the country is a growing problem that doctors are finding difficult to cope with.

What does anorexics eat dont mention the calories just say which food do they eat?

I thought anorexics didn't eat?

What do anorexics do after eating?

they dont eat