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Q: What ara the examples of non selective scattering?
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What is non selective menu based on extent of selection?

A non-selective menu has only the things that will be served. For example, scrambled eggs and skim milk.

Is the media for oxidase test selective or differential?

media used for oxidase test is non selective media

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Animals in the wild breeding, such as squirrels, rabbits, deer, elephants, etc., are not selective breeding (artificial selection).

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Propranolol is the best non selective betablockers. This has less side effects.The best non selective bitablockers which have less side effect than propranolol include Pindolol,Penbutolol, Oxprenolol and Labetalol.

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Non-selective is when we use agar for bacterial growth in general. Mean not to differentiate between them but just to see their colonies and growth. TSA and Chocolate agar are nonselective.

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non selective cox inhibitor .. inhibit both type of cox selective cox2 inhibitors ... inhibit only cox 2 !! the difference between them . is the action of cox 1 or 2 or both

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