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Well there are a variety of species of pig in the Philippines and it's not that hard to find. I think everything you see there are pigs to begin with because they are called a Pig Race after all.

We have 2 major species called the 'politiko' and the 'masa'. These species have sub-species as well.

Politiko breeds are those big breeds that are the minority yet control the masa which is the stupidest of all the pig race breeds. They often kill each other, threaten opponents and are very territorial in their positions. they do not contribute to society and damage it further because they consume more than what they provide. they also are involved in the stupification and elimination of masas who tend to go beyond their level by killing these so called middle-breeds with high taxes and unfair treatments. Sub-groups of these pig race are also called the GMC or Government, Media and Catholic Church.

The Masa breed are those pig race that wastes their time lingering on the plains, looking for victims which are mostly mid-class pigs. they will rape, murder, snatch things off it's prey. they breed so fast just like ordinary pigs producing an average of 10 piglets per woman. due to this however and the fact that food is scarce for these breed they often suffer in hunger, blaming mid-class breeds of their missery and thanks to the Media of the Politiko breed which teaches them that the higher level pigs often beat up poor little pigs like them, they often vent their anger at these innocent mid-breeds. These pigs however has advantages, they are well protected by the Philippine law for Pigs and gain full protection from it. they can even commit murder and be free the next day. they can also do businesses without license or taxes unlike mid-breeds do. these breed often operate in groups and are closely tied with the Politikos. subgroups include squaters, pokpok, gang, frats, sindikatos, mapiya and muslims.

The mid-class is not that important, these are mixed groups that are either masas who tried to be better off in life or new migrants. usually they are victims of these 2 major groups and can be considered as pig feeds.

Finding these breeds is not that hard. Politikos have pictures everywhere. messing up the entire city with their banners and pictures. Masas can be found loitering everywhere asking for money. Usually they even carry a hostaged piglet making others feel guilty as if that if they do not provide any money it's like you murdered the piglet. some young pigs also jump on jeepneys asking for money, spit on your face if you do not provide. once they grow up though this gimick will no longer work so they just stab you to death instead then take what you carry and run.

Well hopefully that answers your question.

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