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1- It is a virus, so it is almost impossible to vaccinate. A virus is not the same thing as a bacterial infection. Viruses can mutate.

2- The money is being spent on developing antiviral treatments, to treat the millions of people living with HIV/AIDS. These medications are expensive, on their own.

3- Vaccine research is also expensive, and some political extremists believe that whomever gets HIV must deserve to have it, based on them being sexually active or using drugs. This makes getting funding for these research programs very difficult.

4- The best vaccination against HIV is (from a common sense perspective) getting yourself and your partner tested before having sex with them, using condoms for a year, and then getting re-tested, and remaining in a monogamous relationship the entire time you are sexually active. I suggest getting tested annually, or every couple of years, even for married people. It just kinda helps with fidelity, because it keeps you accountable. Also, say no to drugs. Don't even smoke pot. Some people smoke pot out of metal pipes called one-hitters, and these can cause blistering of the mouth and cause infection to spread. It is more common for it to spread via crack pipes, and heroin needles, but people seem to discount the dangers involved with sharing some metal or marble pipes that are used in smoking pot, also.

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Q: What are 2 reasons why it is difficult to develop a vaccine for HIV?
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Why there is no vaccine HIV virus?

The HIV virus has proven difficult to fight for a number of reasons. One of them is the fact that the virus mutates quickly. That means that the virus changes at the genetic level, making finding a vaccine that works for all variants of the virus difficult if not impossible, thus far.

Why is it difficult to develop HIV vaccine?

Part of the problem in developing an effective vaccine so far has been the issue of mutation. The HIV virus mutates, or changes, rapidly. What this means for vaccine research and development is that as we are studying the virus and figuring out what will be effective against it, it changes, making whatever we have so far come up with ineffective.

What antiviral vaccine is able to fight HIV?

There is no vaccine for HIV at this time.

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Scientists and researchers have been searching for an effective HIV vaccine for many years. Because of HIV's ability to mutate so rapidly however, it has been difficult to develop an effective vaccine. Studies continue, but increasingly the opinion is that an effective vaccine is still many years away. But even when there is an effective HIV vaccine, it will not mean that there is a cure for HIV. A vaccine will help to keep uninfected people uninfected but will not directly benefit people who are already living with HIV/AIDS. The ongoing advances in HIV treatment are increasingly becoming what could be considered to be a "cure" for people living with HIV/AIDS. These medications, when taken as directed, can help diminish the impact that HIV has on the body and allow people living with HIV to live long and productive lives.

Is there a vacciane for HIV?

No; there is no vaccine for HIV.

How does the HIV vaccine help to prevent chickenpox?

There is no commercially available HIV vaccine as of 2014.

It is difficult to develop vaccine for aids why?

HIV is a RNA virus, which means it goes through lots of mutations. A vaccine depends on some of the same immune responses produced by natural infection to create a "memory" of the virus. For HIV, this is particularly hard because the immune system cannot create broad enough antibodies; an antibody created for one HIV virus might not work for another HIV virus, which most likely would have evolved. Thus, our killer T cells cannot recognize the HIV virus many times, failing to defend our bodies against HIV.

Can hepatitis B cause HIV or AIDS?

No. Hepatitis B and HIV are two different viruses. One does not cause the other.

Virus without a vaccine?

HIV would be one.

Should all hospital personnel should be vaccinated for HIV.?

There is no available vaccine for the HIV virus.

Why is it difficult to create an AIDS vaccine?

1.The virus mutate and change shapes quickly and also aim at destroying the white blood cells at a faster rate than other diseases, The big problem in all treatments is HIV's rapid rate of mutation. 2. Every virus that comes out of a cell is slightly different from the one that went in. 3.It doesn't take long for drug resistant viruses to appear in the blood. 4. Like the common cold, the HIV virus changes so fast that it's difficult to develop an effective vaccine. # AIDS is a retro virus that changes its DNA so it is hard to destroyBecause they are still finding a cure for it. They only have medicine to help you with it but not getting rid of it.It is not a hard matter to make a vaccine for a certain virus. The problem with the HIV virus is that it keeps changing into a slightly different virus, and any vaccine would be obsolete before it could even be used.

Why not make a law in each country requiring individuals to have AIDS vaccine?

Because there is no such thing as an AIDS vaccine. Simply, an effective vaccine against HIV has not been developed as yet, although various research institutes and pharmaceutical companies are working to develop one. For more information, please see: