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He discovered gravity, the three laws of motion, and the color spectrum.

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Q: What are 2 things that Isaac Newton discovered?
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How do Isaac Newton discovered math?

everyone has 2 start off somewhere

What 2 things did Isaac newton define?

Isaac Newton described universal gravitation and compiled the three laws of motion - the first law deals with inertia, the second acceleration and the third action and reaction.

Which scientist understood that gravity was the force or attraction between 2 masses?

Sir Isaac Newton. He was a Theoretical Physicist who discovered gravity and its attractions.

Did sir isaac newton have 2 nervous breakdowns?

yes he did

What are three things Isaac Newton contributed?

Sir Isaac Newton, 1. made mathematics foundation of science calculus and 3. used mathematics as the decider of science in the form of correct calculations, if the math did not get the right answer the science was wrong.

Why is Isaac Newton Important in Science?

The apple did nothing to Sir Isaac Newton. We are not sure that that even happened. The story goes that when Sir Isaac Newton was in a garden he saw a apple tree fall. That is supposedly when he discovered gravity.

What are 2 mathematical contributions that Isaac Newton made?

calculus and vector algebra

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Did Isaac Newton fight in World War 2?

no. he lived in the 1600's

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What are 3 main achievements of Isaac newton?

1. He invented the first practical reflecting telescope.2. Isaac Newton MADE THEORIES about motion and gravity3. Isaac Newton was a British scientist

Who were 2 scientists alive during 1642 and 1727?

albert instine and isaac newton