

What are 2 type of permanent tissues?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What are 2 type of permanent tissues?
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Sclerenchymatous tissues

What are simple and complex permanent tissues?

The cells of the permanent tissues do not generally divide further. Simple and complex tissues are conducting tissues. Cells that are similar in structure and function are called assimple tissues. Cells of different types of permanent tissues are called as complex tissues.

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there are two types of permanent tissues 1.simple permanent tissues 2.complex permanent tissues simple permanent tissues are made up of only one kind of tissue. eg.parenchyma,sclerenchyma and collenchyma compex permanent tissues is a group of tissues eg. xylem and phloem in stem

What is the difference between meristematic tissues from permanent tissues?

Meristematic tissue has ability to divide more than that of a permanent tissue.... A permanent tissue is completely differentiated and does not usually divide further

What is the difference between simple tissue and stratified tissue?

# simplepermanent tissue in plants contain unspecialised cells whereas in the complex permanent tissue are coordinate to perform a common function # simple permanent tissue are made of only one type of cell whereas complex permanent tissue are made of more than one type of cells

What type of tissues are vascular?

1) Phloem 2) Xylem

What is complex tissue?

Complex tissues are, simply, tissues made up of more than one type of cell. These tissues often help with transport of water, minerals, and organic materials through plants, such as with wood.

3 simple tissues and their location in plants?

Parenchyma Sclerenchyma,Collenchyma. Present on permanent tissues where cessation of growth has occurred.

What is simple non-meristematic tissues?

Non-meristematic plant tissues are classified as either simple tissues (containing only one type of cell) or as complex tissues (containing multiple types of cells) There are three types of simple tissues: 1. Parenchyma 2. Collenchyma 3. Sclerenchyma

What are the dangers of type 2 diabetes?

Tissues die when the nerves in them die. Sugar diabetes kills nerves.

What is the function of permanent tissues within a plant?

i know it provides protection.....that's what the book says.....

What is difference between labile permanent and stable cell?

labile tissues continuously divide and replace old cell like skin cells stable cells divide in case of injury like liver cell and permanent tissues do not divide like neurons.