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Constellations are patterns of stars that we see in the sky. There are 88 official constellations, like Leo, Orion, Taurus etc. We are in the galaxy called the Milky Way, as are all the stars you can see in all of those constellations. A galaxy is a massive collection of stars. We can see some other galaxies, such as Andromeda, but they just look like a clump of dust in the sky because they are so far away, and we can't pick out individual stars.

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12y ago

Galaxies can differ in shape, in the sense that they can be elliptical, spiral, or irregular, size, in the sense of how far the galaxy stretches, and the amount of stars that the galaxy contains.

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13y ago

there are different shapes of galaxies. the main types are spiral, barred spiral, elliptical, lenticular, and irregular. galaxies also have different stages, like quasars and radio galaxies.

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