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Q: What are 3 differences from the male and female skull?
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What are 3 significant differences between the male and female urethras?

Sperm testicles and a penis:)

What is the differences between female salmonand male salmon?

Male salmon are larger than the female salmon. The male salmon has a longer jaw than the female, and the males jaw has a hook shape. The males fin on his back will be 2 to 3 times larger than the females fin.

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Female. How else would she have had 3 kits?

Can you have a baby on Sims 3 with a female?

If your sim is a male then yes, but if it's a female then no.

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female look them after and male defend them

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One is a male, a female and a dog.

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8 dancers, 5 female & 3 male.

How can you distinguish between a male fly and a female fly?

Male and female fruit flies can be distinguished from each other in three ways: 1) Only males have a sex comb, a fringe of black bristles on the forelegs. 2) The tip of the abdomen is elongate and somewhat pointed in females and more rounded in males. 3) The abdomen of the female has seven segments, whereas that of the male has only five segments.

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A grown female horse is called a mare, a grown male horse is called a stallion, a foal is a colt (male) or filly (female)

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