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1. Preparation of brass

2. Steels plating

3. Preparation of zinc chloride and zinc oxide (for cosmetics and dermatology)

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1. corrision protection

2. heal wounds

3.functioning of over 300 different enzymes

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Q: What are 3 things that zinc used for?
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What two things have zinc in them?

the two things that have zinc in it is sunblock and hearing aids.

Things made of zinc?

well batteries are made of zinc just like the thing doctors use to hear your heart

Is zinc or bronze used in wiring?

They are not usually used as wires themselves, but are used in wiring systems. Zinc is used as a plating for anti-corrosion in conduit fittings and such. Bronze is used for ground clamps among other things.

What in zinc used for?

Zinc is commonly used in coins.

What is zinc metal used for?


Is zinc used in pennies?

Yes zinc is used in pennies and it is used in sunscreen.

What is the metal used for galvanising iron?

It is the element zinc in its molten state that we dip iron or steel into to galvanize it.

What are the elements in zinc?

zinc is a pure element. therefore it does contain other things !!!!!!

Why is zinc and not copper is used for the recovery of silver from cyanide complex?

Zinc is used to precipitate gold from gold cyanide. Zinc will react to form zinc cyanide.

What is zinc used for in a printing factory?

Zinc is used in a printing factory because of the chemicals. Zinc does have many types of chemicals in it.

How much zinc is there in omega 3?

Fatty acids, omega 3 or not, do not contain zinc.

Why is zinc in paint?

The zinc oxide (ZnO) is the most used white pigment. Zinc (as metal) is used for plating iron alloys.