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Q: What are 3 of the most important of Charles Darwin's observations?
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What island did Charles Darwin make his most important observations?

The Galapagos Islands.

Why are Charles Darwins' ideas so important?

He proposed a theory that attempts to explain why and the fact of evolution works.It is, so far, the best and most accurate theory that adequately explains why evolution happens.

How did Charles Darwin record his observations?

He had a journal and wrote the observations he saw on his visits to chart the South American coastline. Some of these observations included animal similarities even though he noticed they were geographically isolated.Thus he eventually proposes the theory of evolution based on his observations in his personal journal.

What paragraphs from The Autobiography of Charles Darwin most effectively develop Darwins claim that the voyage of the Beagle was the most important event in his life?

One key paragraph from The Autobiography of Charles Darwin that underscores Darwin's belief in the significance of the Beagle voyage is when he states that "the voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most important event in my life and has determined my whole career." Additionally, Darwin emphasizes the transformative nature of the journey by explaining how it shaped his scientific thinking and provided him with the necessary observations and experiences to develop his theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin further highlights the impact of the voyage by showcasing how it broadened his understanding of geology, biology, and the interconnectedness of life on Earth.

What was the name of Darwins famous book published in 1859?

the work on Darwins most famous work was called? is british animals

How did Charles Darwin research the different varieties of creatures that he did?

He ate most of them, but he wrote down his observations of the species' physical features and traits.

Charles Darwin's most important event of his life?

discovering evolution

Charles Darwin evolution?

Charles Darwin is known for his studies in life sciences concerning evolution. Evolution theories from Charles Darwin have been appreciated because he is one of the first to explain the observations for educational purposes. Darwin is noted as one of the most valued scientist to have lived.

What was the most important thing Charles Cornwallis did in the Revolutionary War?

the most important thing general cornwallis did was fight in the battle of york town

Why were the Galapagos islands so important to Darwin's observations?

During Darwins visit to the Galapagos island he observed that these islands had many unique organisms, most of which were similar to but different from the plants and animals from the nearest mainland.... thus this indicated how population evolved. Darwin called this "descent with modification" meaning an ancestral species could diversify into many descendant species by the accumulation of adaptation to various environment. His observation described the theory of evolution.

Why are GARCH models so popular in finance?

Because they are intuitive, very tractable and easy to estimate. Furthermore, they capture reasonably well the most important stylized facts of volatility, such as 'volatility clustering' (the tendency of large observations to be followed by other large observations and of small observations to be followed by other small observations) and leptokurtosis (fat tails).

Who was the most important person the 19th century?

Very difficult to answer it was Charles Darwin Charles Darwin is definatley the one i agree its Darwin