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Central Vacuole Chloroplasts Cell Wall

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Q: What are 3 organelles that plant cells have and animal cells don't have?
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Plant and animal cells have this but bacteria dont?

Plant and animal cells have a nucleus which DNA is contained in, while bacteria do not have a true nucleus.

What organelles do plants have that animals do not?

Lysosome ,Centriole, and VesicleActually, animal cells do not have any different organelles than plant cells, other than plant cells having a membrane. animal cells do not have a membrane, they have a cell wall.

What are found in cell walls?

Cell walls can be found in Plant Cells, there are two types of cells; Animal and Plant Cells. Animal Cells have 11 organelles and Plant Cells 13. The other thing that Plant Cells have that Animal Cells dont is chloroplast. Hope this helped!

What organelles best show that plant cells have functions different from animal cell?

plants cells have a cell wall animals dont

What organelles that animal cells have but plant cells dont?

nucleolus, centrosome and that's all i know! :-D

What do animal cells have that plant cells dont?

all animal cells have centrioles but plant cells dont

Where in the cell is the cell wall found?

Cell walls can be found in Plant Cells, there are two types of cells; Animal and Plant Cells. Animal Cells have 11 organelles and Plant Cells 13. The other thing that Plant Cells have that Animal Cells dont is chloroplast. Hope this helped!

Are motochondria in plant or animal cells?

they are found in plant cells but i dont really know if they are in animal cells

What cell do animal cells have that Plant cells do not have?

animal cells have centrioles. plants dont

Do animal cells have a whereas?

Yes animal cells do have a whereas but plant cells dont.

What do animal cells have that plants cells dont?

Animal cells have centrioles, which are involved in cell division and organizing the cytoskeleton. Additionally, they have lysosomes for digestion and peroxisomes for breaking down fatty acids. These organelles are not present in plant cells.

What do plant cells have that animal cells dont?

A cell wall