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Q: What are 3 things that Demeter gives?
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Who is the greek god or goddess that makes things into ice or at least very cold?

It is acutally the absence of Demeter that gives us ice and winter and such It is acutally the absence of Demeter that gives us ice and winter and such

What qualities did Demeter have?

Demeter's qualities where that she could grow things

What are 3 things that Demeter protects?

the grain harvest, the religious laws and the cycle of life and death.

What are 3 things that Demeter fears?

hades- he took her daughter persephone

What was the cause of Persephone and Demeter?

Both Demeter and her daughter Persephone were goddesses of the earth and growing things.

What were Demeter's favorite things to do?

her favorite things to do was sleep with hades, posidean, and Zeus

What did Demeter gives?

Demeter was the Greek goddess of the harvest, so she was the goddess who gave fertility to the grounds, (along with Poseidon) and she also was in charge of the changing seasons.

What is the importance of the Demeter in Dracula?

Demeter was among other things the Goddess of the cycle of life and death. The ship Demeter brings Dracula to his victims speeding up that cycle or altering it.

What makes Demeter's myth recognizable?

Three things; Persephone kidnapped/rape Demeter wrath on Earth Demeter finds Persephone, and must give up her daughter between autumn and spring.

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3 things one who uses this to get that answer two who gives and 3 get a life

What are 3 things that Demeter needs?

she needed the love from her children and her husband, the plants and animal on earth calmed her down when she was upset, and her emotions to stay at an nice level

What are the top 5 things to know about Demeter?

Demeter is a goddess. She's the goddess of harvest and fertility. She's resident of Cronus and Rhea (titan). And she had children.