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Q: What are 3 things that some enviormental protection lawsrequire of a community?
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i believe environmental stressers are things that occur out side the body, this can be where you live, biological stressors are things that occur in the body such as genetics, hope this helps

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because kevlar help important people around the community such as police armour or firefighters. such things as protection for a person not to get burnt or stabbed or shooted at. :)

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Meaning of community?

A community is a group of people living in the same area or sharing common interests, values, or goals. It is characterized by members who interact and support each other, fostering a sense of belonging and social connection.

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bioshpere is living and community is not!..hehe

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There is no community of all nonliving things. A community is composed of all of the populations (of living things) in an area. An ecosystem is composed of the living community and the nonliving factors in an area.

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Why do you care about Steve Irwin?

Steve Irwin was a legend. He worked for enviormental awareness. He started Wildlife Warrior, and did so many other great things. That's why we care about Steve Irwin.

What is a community of living and non living components in an environment?

living things is only in the living things which means is the community.

What lives in a community?

living things