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Q: What are 3 verbs that describes girl?
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What are 3 verbs that describes electricity?

bright, hot, and electricy

What are verbs that end with ing describes harriet Tubman?

Verbs don't describe, verbs show actions or states

What is verbe?

A verb is a word that describes an something that is happening or has happened. There are two types of verbs, action verbs and linking verbs.

What action verbs describes a diamond?


Is quickly a verbs?

no it is an adverb because it describes a verb

What describes whether the transitive verbs have the subject performing the actions or receiving the action?

Voice describes whether the transitive verbs have the subject performing the action or receiving the action.

What describes whether transitive verbs have the subject performing the action or receiving the action?

Voice describes whether the transitive verbs have the subject performing the action or receiving the action.

What are the two large classes of verbs?

The two large classes of verbs are action verbs (express physical or mental actions) and linking verbs (connect the subject to a subject complement that describes or renames the subject).

What part of speech describes an action or state of being?

Verbs show an action or state of being. Adverbs modify verbs.

What verb describes snowmobiling?

Verbs are not describing words, adjectives describe nouns. Verbs are action or being words. Some examples of verbs for snowmobiling:godon't gowentlovehatewaswill bewon't be

What part of speech describes or limits adjectives verbs and adverbs?


What are the 8 common linking verbs of be?

The 8 common linking verbs of "be" are am, is, are, was, were, being, been, and be. These linking verbs are used to connect the subject of the sentence to a subject complement, which describes or renames the subject.