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Define the Division Property of Equality An art teacher got a deal on 375 paintbrushes and bought them all If the teacher has 125 students write an equation the teacher could use to figure out how m?

The Division Property of Equality states that if we divide both sides of an equation by the same non-zero number, the equality still holds. In this case, the teacher could use the equation m = 375 / 125 to figure out how many paintbrushes each student will receive, as m represents the number of paintbrushes per student.

What are the various resources of the school and the teacher's role?

School resources can include textbooks, technology, classroom materials, and facilities. The teacher's role is to effectively utilize these resources to create engaging lessons, facilitate student learning, and provide support for student success. Teachers also play a key role in coordinating with other school staff to ensure resources are being used effectively.

How much did a teacher make in the early 1900s?

In the early 1900s, teachers in the United States typically earned around $40-$80 per month, depending on location and level of experience. This was considered a modest salary compared to many other professions at the time.

How long did Thomas Edison go to school?

Thomas Edison attended school for a total of 12 weeks, before his mother decided to homeschool him due to his teacher calling him "addled" (mentally confused). This experience had a lasting impact on Edison's education and approach to learning.

Why do teachers assign so much homework?

Teachers assign homework to reinforce learning, allow students to practice and apply what they've learned, and to help students develop discipline, time management, and study skills. Homework also serves as a way for teachers to gauge understanding and provide additional practice and feedback.