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Q: What are 4 of the councils reasons fro rejecting Equality's invention in Anthem?
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In the book anthem what are the four of the councils reasons for rejecting Equality's invention?

1. Because they didn't want Equality to think he was better than anyone else. 2. They thought it wasn't anything special. 3. They didn't think it would do anything for them. 4. Equality wasn't a scholar therefore the council did not allow him to show them anything they made because he wasn't equal to their level.

What role does allegory play in the Augustinian view of history?

Augustine--despite his best efforts--is 'credited' with the development of the doctrine of Original Sin, in which allegory plays such a central role that the Councils of Trent were unable to even define Original Sin (v. the Law of sin and death), or say exactly what it meant; even though it was ratified, anyway (for obviously political and not spiritual reasons), much to Augustine's chagrin, or so history tells us. See the link for an overview.

What are support reasons in a persuasive essay?

the reasons that support the main idea.For Example:3 reasons why police cars are cool are because they are fast, make noise, and have cops in them.In a more serious one:Job secretaries need more money for many reasons. One is secretaries need more finances to battle. Two is... etc.Eventually these reason become paragraphs which become reasons about these reasons.

What is a strong argument?

reasons and conclusion

Why does reasons rule Athena?

i don't know if reasons rule Athena, but Athena is the greek god of wisdom, reason and strategy (in myths of course).

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In the book anthem what are the four of the councils reasons for rejecting Equality's invention?

1. Because they didn't want Equality to think he was better than anyone else. 2. They thought it wasn't anything special. 3. They didn't think it would do anything for them. 4. Equality wasn't a scholar therefore the council did not allow him to show them anything they made because he wasn't equal to their level.

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