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1. they are not good conductors of heat and electricity(except graphite) 2.they are not malleable (cannot be hammered into sheets). 3.they are not ductile(cannot be drawn into wires). 3.they have low densities.

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21h ago
  1. Non-metals are generally brittle and lack the malleability and ductility of metals.
  2. Non-metals are typically poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  3. Non-metals tend to have lower melting and boiling points compared to metals.
  4. Non-metals often have lower density than metals.
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Q: What are 4 physical properties of non-metals?
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What is an element whose physical properties are generally opposite to metals?

These chemical elements are nonmetals.

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Nonmetals are generally not shiny. They tend to be dull.

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The physical properties of hydrogen are closer to those of nonmetals. Hydrogen is a diatomic gas with low melting and boiling points, similar to other nonmetals. It does not exhibit typical metallic properties like high electrical conductivity or metallic luster.

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Most nonmetals are poor conductions of electricity and heat and are reactive with other elements. Solid nonmetals are dull and brittle.

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The properties of nonmetals also tend to vary more from and element to element than do the properties of the metals

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Physical properties of metals include: luster, malleability, and ductility. Chemical properties include: forming cations, and reacting with nonmetals to form ionic compounds.

The elements that lack most of the properties of metals are called?

Nonmetals. These elements typically have properties such as poor conductivity, low melting points, and brittle structure. They are located on the right side of the periodic table.

How are metalloids differents from metals and nonmetals?

because metalloids usually have properties that are similar to metals and nonmetals

What are the properties of metalloids?

i think they have properties of both metals and nonmetals .

Name two physical properties of nonmetals?

Nonmetals are typically brittle in solid form and poor conductors of heat and electricity.

What are 4 possible properties of a substance classified as a metalloid?

Metalloids, which have properties of both metals and nonmetals. Some metalloids, but not all, conduct heat or electric current.