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some are: leopards, lynxes,butterflies,many birds,chimpanzees,tarantulas,jaguars,spider monkeys,turtles,otters,centipedes,snakes,and lemurs ......remember that now!

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luke ashby lives in the rainforest

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Q: What are 5 different organisms living in tropical forest that compete for limited resources?
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What are the three main resources that different organisms in a habitat compete for?

They compete for air- to breath, water- to drink, and shelter.

What happens when organisms compete for resources?

Some organisms win and some organisms lose.

Why organisms compete for resources?

because they want that resource

Why is it impossible for exponential to continue forever?

Organisms start to compete for resources.

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The struggle between organisms for the limited resources in a habitat?

Competition: intraspecifically (between members of the same species) or interspecifically (between members of different species).

Under what conditions do organisms compete with each other?

when the organisms need to surive on three resources: food, water, and shelther

Why do all organisms face a struggle to survive when natural resources are limited?

Living beings need a certain amount of resources to live. If resources are limited then organisms must struggle against others to get enough resources to keep living.

Organisms with adaptations to compete for limited resources may survive and pass their genes to their offspring?


What are two resources for organisms are likely to compete?

From Derek in Sugar Land Texas Water and Food

Explain competition and predation as ways in which organisms interact.?

Competition is when Organisms of the same or different species compete for resources, it negatively affects both organisms. Predation is the relationship between two species as the predator feeds on the prey while the prey adapts.

Why are members of the same genus more likely to compete for a niche that organisms that are in different families?

why are members of the same genus more likely to compete for a niche than organisms than in different families