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Q: What are 5 examples of chemical properties of helium?
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5 examples of science?

Change in temperature, gaseous bubbles, giving off light, change in color, change in properties. These are chemical changes, but it is still five examples of science.

Give 5 examples each physical properties and chemical properties?

The physical properties that I know are colour (ex: black, white, greenish- yellow, red), texture (ex: fine, coarse, smooth, gritty), odour (ex: odourless, spicy, sharp, burnt), state (ex: solid, liquid, and gas), lustre(ex: shiny, dull), clarity (clear, cloudy, opaque is something that can not see through something), and taste(sweet, sour, salty, bitter).

5 examples of non metal?

Helium, boron, oxygen, fluorine, iodine.

What are 5 examples for substances?

Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Gold, Silver, Oxygen

5 examples of isotope and its uses?

Isotopes are Chemical elements which will be having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Few examples for Isotopes are: Carbon, Uranium, Helium. Isotopes are used in Radioactivity, Radiation Oncology, Radiometric dating.

Name 5 chemical properties?

- chemical reactivity - thermal stability - flammability - oxydation - reduction

What is bohrium chemical properties?

It is supposed that bohrium has chemical properties similar to the properties of his homologue, rhenium. Only the compound BhO3Cl is known today. The predicted valences of bohrium are 7, 5, 4, 3.

10 examples of Chemical Energy?

1.)5 examples of electrical energyflat ironwashing machineflourescent bulbmicrowave ovenradio2.)5 examples of sound energymusical instrumentscrashbuzzingbeepingthunderi hope it's workstudy hard:)

What are 5 chemical properties of fermium?

The element Fermium is too unknown to know any physical or chemical property

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What are the 5 examples of chemical energy sources?

light bulb because of light bulb can cause of chemical chemical can she cause

Give examples of the properties of multiplication?

Some examples of the properties of multiplication are the idenity property are EX./ 5*1=5 Then there is the associative property. EX./ 7*(5*6)=5*(6*7) Communative property EX./5*4=4*5 zero property EX./ 5*0=0