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Q: What are 5 land forms that are crated by wave erosion?
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What are landforms are created by wave erosion?

Four land forms would be : sea stack, sea cliff, sea arch, and sea cave.

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What are four landforms created by wave erosion?

Four land forms would be : sea stack, sea cliff, sea arch, and sea cave.

What are two landforms associated with wave action?

Land forms that are associated with wave action are coastal land forms. The main land form associated with wave action is called a spit.

What landform forms on coral reefs as a result of wave action?

Coastal erosion is the wearing away of land or the removal of beach or dune sediments by wave action, tidal currents, wave currents, or drainage (see also beach evolution).

What landforms are created by water erosion?

The 3 landforms created by wave erosion sometimes called coastal erosion are headlands and bays, cliffs and wave cut platforms and finally caves, arches, stacks and stumps. Wave erosion is the wearing away of land and the removal of beach by wave currents.

Is wave erosion the same as coastal erosion?

Wave erosion is when ocean waves move sediments and erode the ocean floor.Coastal erosion is when ocean waves generate currents, and when in comes into contact with land, it erodes the land.

What the shape of the surface of the land?

Water, Wind, Wave, and Glacier Erosion as well as Mass Movement (or Erosion, Deposition, and Weathering)

Costal features erosion?

Coastal erosion is when land is starting to wash away. This is when water wave began to wash away the beaches.

What processes shape the surface of the land?

Water, Wind, Wave, and Glacier Erosion as well as Mass Movement (or Erosion, Deposition, and Weathering)

What issues might the coastal resort of swanage have?

erosion. deposition. transportation. hydraulic action erosion (wave erosion). abrasion erosion (wave erosion).

Why are headlands eroded faster than the land at the end of inlets and bays?

Wave refraction concentrates wave energy at the headlands increasing erosion relative to embayments, where wave energy is dispersed.