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Q: What are 5 organs air flows through when you inhale?
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Alligators are air breathers. They inhale and exhale through their nostrils. Their lungs absorb oxygen from the air that they inhale.

When you inhale air enters the body through the the what?

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What happens after animals inhale air?

The oxygen from the air they inhale is distributed to the body parts through the blood stream. The blood picks up carbon dioxide and it is exhaled into the environment.

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How do you put inhale in a sentence?

i can inhale air

Why does a cloud of dry ice flow downwards?

It flows downwards because it is cold and cold air sinkse. The most important reason why it flows downwards is that dry ice is made of CO2 / carbon dioxide which = 1.5 times heavier than the air that we inhale.

How does air enters the body?

Air enters the body when you inhale (Breathe in) air enters through the mouth and into the lungs. and then exhale (Breathe out) carbon dioxide (CO2)

What is an airpipe?

An airpipe is a pipe or tube through which air flows.