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Q: What are 6 different types of nutrient and explain about 6 different types of nutrients?
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Is calorie a nutrient?

No; calories are an energy-measure. They can come from different types of nutrients: from meats or fish, from fats or oils, from fruits or vegetables, etc.

What are the different types of nutrients?

Nutrients can be broadly categorized as water, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fatty acids (or lipids). Fiber is not actually a nutrient but it is an important part of your diet, nonetheless.

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What type of nutrient are vitamins?

Most vitamins are a type of nutrient that you have to get through your diet because your body cannot make them on its own. They support regular body functions. Other types of nutrients are water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, and minerals. Try an internet search for "Types of Nutrients" for more information!

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Do plants grow the same in different types of soil?

Different types of soil have different nutrients so no.

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What does nutrient provide?

In the simplest terms nutrients are the essentials of life, without them we die. In other words nutrients provide us with life itself.That said there are many different specific nutrients, each of which provide us with different types of things that are essential for life. Some are needed in large amounts daily, others we only need small amounts of and can often go for long periods without any of those nutrients.

What type of graph should you use to compare nutrients in two different types of bread?

A bar graph would be best to compare the nutrients in two different types of bread.

How are plants growth affected from different soil such as sand and gravel?

Different types of soil, has different types of nutrients. So for ex. if gravel has more nutrients it would grow better, than in the sand.

What can living things not survive without?

Nutrients. There could be a single thing that a living organism survives on that is not a nutrient but I can't think of one right now. The sun is a type of nutrient because it provides some types of nutrients. Anything can be a nutrient so I'd say the only thing the most "primitive" living organisms need is some form of nutrient. Not all living things need oxygen or hydrogen.

How many different types of eutrophication are there?

eutrophication - high level of nutrients Mesotropication - Midum level of nutrients Oligotrophic - Not enough nutrients