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Hitting something with something else would count. Thats not a very good answers, but its right.

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Q: What are 6 examples of mechanical weathering?
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What are two examples of the mechanical weathering?

two examples of mechanical weathering are called wind ,and water.

How do you use mechanical weathering in a sentence?

Mechanical weathering means erosion by physical means.Wind and water are examples of mechanical weathering.Mechanical weathering changes rock into sand.

What are 2 examples for mechanical weathering?

Abrasion and Frost

Freezing and thawing plant roots exfliation and are all examples of what process?

Physical weathering or mechanical weathering.

What are two examples of mechanical weathering along an ocean beach?


Freezing and thawing are examples of?

Freezing and Thawing is an example of Mechanical Weathering.

Examples of Mechanical weathering?

Frost wedging & exfoliation are common terms associated with mechanical weathering.

Is abrasion chemical or mechanical weathering?

Abrasion is Mechanical Weathering.

6 examples of mechanical energy with drawing?

A moving car: Mechanical energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of an object in motion, such as a car moving along a road. Wind turbine: Mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy through the rotation of the blades of a wind turbine by wind. Pendulum: A swinging pendulum in a clock demonstrates mechanical energy conversion between potential energy at its highest point and kinetic energy at its lowest point. Roller coaster: The mechanical energy of a roller coaster is constantly changing from potential to kinetic energy as it moves along the track. Trampoline: Jumping on a trampoline involves converting mechanical energy from your muscles into potential energy as you reach the highest point of your jump. Bowling ball: When a bowling ball rolls down a lane, it demonstrates mechanical energy as it moves due to its mass and velocity.

What are 2 examples of mechanical and chemical weathering?

One example of chemical weathering is acid rain another is acid fog. An example of mechanical weathering is water eroding away mountains or water creating a river. by.....

How the mechanical weathering is related to the weathering?

mechanical weathering applys weather

What are the two kinds of weathering?

The 2 kinds of weathering are the Mechanical or Physical Weathering and the Mechanical Weathering.