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rhomboids, trapezoids, serratus anterior, subscapularis, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor

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Q: What are 7 muscles that attach the scapula to the thorax?
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Name the bones involved in the shoulder joint?

The shoulder girdle (or pectoral girdle) consists of the clavicle (collar bone) and the scapula (shoulder blade) The Humerus (bone of the upper arm) fits into a cavity in the scapula called the glenoid cavity. The clavicles ("little keys") are long bones that extend across the top of the chest and are attached to the sternum (breast bone) at their medial (towards the midline of the body) ends. The lateral (towards the outside of the body) ends attach to the scapula. The scapulae ("spade" or "shovel") are thin triangular flat bones which lie between ribs 2 and 7.

What Ribs are attach individually to the sternum by way of the coastal cartilage?

True Ribstop 7 pairs of ribs that attach directly to the sternum by costal cartilageTrue and false ribs do but floating ribs do notTrue ribs

What region of the body is the pectoralis major found?

The pectoralis is two muscles, major and minor, and they are both located on the chest.

Which body parts have 7 letters?

· appendix · backbone · buttocks · eyeballs · knuckles · mustache · nostrils · pancreas · potbelly · shinbone · skeleton · testicle · underarm · windpipe

What is cranial nerve 7?

Cranial nerve 7 is also referred to as the facial nerve. It has both sensory and motor components. Its sensory portion is responsible for taste on the anterior two thirds of the tongue as well as sensation for a small patch of skin by the ear. Its motor component is responsible for innervating the muscles of facial expression.

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Name the bones involved in the shoulder joint?

The shoulder girdle (or pectoral girdle) consists of the clavicle (collar bone) and the scapula (shoulder blade) The Humerus (bone of the upper arm) fits into a cavity in the scapula called the glenoid cavity. The clavicles ("little keys") are long bones that extend across the top of the chest and are attached to the sternum (breast bone) at their medial (towards the midline of the body) ends. The lateral (towards the outside of the body) ends attach to the scapula. The scapulae ("spade" or "shovel") are thin triangular flat bones which lie between ribs 2 and 7.

What is a 7 letter word that's starts with an S and ends with A?

Savanna, scapula.

What makes up the scapulothoracic joint?

The scapulothoracic joint is not a true joint but refers to the movement between the scapula (shoulder blade) and the thorax (rib cage). It comprises the articulation between the muscles and soft tissues that connect the scapula to the rib cage, allowing for dynamic shoulder motion. This functional relationship is crucial for proper shoulder movement and stability during various arm activities.

If your scapula has been killing you the last 7 days is there somthing wrong?

yes and you should get that checked out

How many muscles does it take to CRY?

49 muscles to cry, 12 muscles to smile and 6 muscles to slap

What muscle moves the scapula?

Biceps Brachii Coracobrachialis Deltoid Infraspinatus Latissimus Dorsi Levator Scapulae Omohyoid Pectoralis Minor Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Serratus Anterior Subscapularis Supraspinatus Teres Major Teres Minor Trapezius Triceps Brachii

What Ribs are attach individually to the sternum by way of the coastal cartilage?

True Ribstop 7 pairs of ribs that attach directly to the sternum by costal cartilageTrue and false ribs do but floating ribs do notTrue ribs

How many bones are in human rib cage?

A typical human rib cage consists of 24 ribs, the sternum (with xiphoid process), costal cartilages, and the 12 thoracic vertebrae. Together with the skin and associated fascia and muscles, the rib cage makes up the thoracic wall and provides attachments for the muscles of the neck, thorax, upper abdomen, and back.

How many bolts attach intake manifold to head on a 1990 Nissan 240sx?

7 or 8

Why does your muscles lose size about 7 hours after your last work out?

the most likely answer is because your muscles are tense after a work out, therefore they weigh more. so the longer you go with out working out the more weight you lose. if you were to go out after a work out and jog do something that uses your muscles more. then you would lose less weight in 7 hours.

How many action women in movies have rippling muscles and a impressive six pack?