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Q: What are A natural substance which kills bacteria can be broad spectrum or specific?
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Is diphtheria a man made or natural substance?

Diphtheria is a disease caused by a bacteria. It is entirely natural, unfortunately.

Can you consider papers non-biodegradable also?

No since paper is composed of a natural substance (cellulose) which is easily degraded by various bacteria.

What is the medical term meaning any substance that can injure living tissue?

A toxin is a substance that can injure living tissues. Toxins may be natural (e.g. from plants or bacteria) or human-made.

Do tropical fish give off specific chemicals?

Simply by living and breathing in their natural habitat, all fish create ammonia. In order for fish to live, nature in its wisdom created (evolved) specific water born bacteria to convert this poisonous substance into harmles Nitrate that water plants can use. That is the reason why all tanks containing fish must have a 'cycled' filter to house the bacteria and convert the ammonia.

What are some forms of bacteria?

Ecoile and Natural Bacteria (Which form some natural springs)

What is a substance in its pure and natural form?

An element is a substance in its pure and natural form.

What is a poisonous substance naturally produced by bacteria plants fungi snakes insects and other living organisms?

A poisonous substances of natural origin produced by an animal is called venom.

What is a natural substance?

a natural substance is something that is found again and again in many different forms eg. salt (also a reoccurring substance)

What is meant by natural daylight?

The spectrum of light produced by the sun

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What is a substance made from natural gas or petroleum?

Natural gas, gasoline, and kerosene are some fuels made from petroleum.