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Q: What are Algonquins wiwams made out of?
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What are the algonquins shelter?

they are made out of birchbark and they have a pot that is surrounded by rock

What are algonquins?

algonquins are nobody

How did the Algonquins use their tools?

They fixed things... That's what tools are made for

When were the Algonquins alive?

the algonquins were alive in dinosaur times. Eventually they went extinct when the dinosaurs trampled them with bull dozers custom made by Shakespeare himself.

How did the Algonquins use yarrow?

The Algonquin made tea with yarrow and used it for headaches.

What were the Algonquins?

The Algonquins valued animals, art and, there creator Manitou

What did the algonquins do for art and crafts?

the algonquins used there hand and boobs to do there art

What kinds of clothes did Algonquins wear?

the algonquins wore animal skin they hunted

Who had longhouses algonquins or iroquis?

The iroquois had longhouses and the algonquins had tipis

What vegetables did Algonquins eat?

the algonquins ate corn wild berries that they found in forests and they grew plants to eat

What was the main artifact for algonquins?

The main artifact for the Algonquins would be the wampum belt. Wampum belts were made from shells and were used by Algonquin tribes for various purposes, including communicating messages, recording important events, and as a form of currency. These belts held significant cultural and spiritual value for the Algonquin people.

What do algonquins look like?

algonquins look like a person with a robe on them but there really isn't a robe on them.