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Comparison :)

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6y ago
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Lvl 1
2y ago
thats not the answer especially when its not even on here you fûcking rètard
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Krista Bishop

Lvl 1
1y ago
actually zovogalaxy, it was on there, your just to stupid to understand that quizzes in different states are different .-.
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John Heger

Lvl 1
1y ago
omg what the heII happens on here
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John Heger

Lvl 1
1y ago
the answer is correct just please specify more (:
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Ayden Daves

Lvl 1
10mo ago
Leave my boi Zovogalaxy alone you püssÿ bįtčh ńíggér

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Q: What are Bar graphs are useful for representing?
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Bar graphs are most useful for representing?


What is a purpose of a bar graph?

Bar graphs are a way of visually representing data

Why bar graphs are useful for comparing data?

bar graphs are useful for comparing data b/c you cn actually see what the difference is between them.

Why bar graphs are not useful?

Actually, they are useful. At least in some cases.

Bar graphs are useful for showing?

data of what u want

Line graphs are useful for representing .?

how one variable affects another. (APEX)

Why are bar graphs used?

Actually, they are useful. At least in some cases.

Which graph should you use to compare the numbers of tigers at different zoos should you use a line or a bar graph?

Line graphs are better for representing things that vary continuously, like temperature against time. Bar graphs are better for representing things that are counts not mapped against a continuous variable such as time, so in your case I would recommend a bar graph.

Explain why bar graphs are useful for comparing data?

so you know the relationship between the 2 variables

What are bar graphs for?

bar graphs are for measuring points of data.

How are bar graphs and line graphs and circle graphs different?

circle graphs add up to 100% , bar and line graphs don't

Why are tables and graphs useful for organizing scientific data?

Tables and graphs are visual representations. They are used to organize information to show patterns and relationships. A graph shows this information by representing it as a shape. You're Welcome :)