a circle graph is in a circular form and represents your data using pieces inside of itbar graphs represents data using bars
no,a bar graph is not a pictograph,pictograph's represent data by pictures and bar graphs by bars...
No, if they are, it is called a histogram
The slope is (-7) . The slash mark is not required.
A gun sight on a chainsaw is a mark across the top and side of the chainsaw case. This mark is made perpendicular to the saw bar and on some saws is molded on the case. This can be characterized as the letter "T". The top of the T is your mark with the vertical line of the T being the bar of the saw.
a circle graph is in a circular form and represents your data using pieces inside of itbar graphs represents data using bars
line graphs, bar graphs,and circle
bar graphs are used to compare different data. a line graph is used to see the changes over a period of time of a specific data. a circle graph is used to represent a part to a whole relationship.
Circle graphs show data in a circle, while line graphs are akin to join the dots, and a bar graph shows data in vertical or horizontal bars, but all three show the same data results.
The three kinds of graph is bar graph, line graph, and pie graph. bar graph is used to compare two or more things. A line graph is used to show changes over time. A pie graph is used to show proportions.
Bar graphs can compare two sets of data, as well as line graphs and circle graphs. To better improve my answer, double line graphs and double bar graphs compare two sets of data. Circle graphs cannot however, because they compare parts of a whole instead of, as a bar graph would, the amount of something. A circle graph is also incapable of showing data growth over a period of time, as line graphs do. All in all, circle graphs cannot compare to sets of data, and bar graphs and line graphs must be doubled to do so.
bar graph line graph circle graph double bar graph and something else
No! Bar and line graphs are different bar graphs show bars and line graph shows lines.
Bar, Line, Pie
b the pie graph is circle ok
I'm in sixth grade and I use circle graphs in social studies and bar and line graphs in science
Circle Graph Bar Graph Line Graph Histogram Picture Graph