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Q: What are Bumps on scalp?
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Painful bumps on left side of scalp?

There are many reasons why you might have painful bumps on left side of scalp. These could be bug bites.

What part of hair of scalp is affected by seborrheic dermatitis?

Just my scalp and have bumps and scabs

What does it mean if you have a bump on your scalp?

Your scalp is probaly irratated. You might want to wash your hair more often. I wouldnt try to pop the bumps like a pimple either because it could just irratate the scalp. Ive had large bumps on my scalp and after I gave it a good wash it dissapeared after a week. So all you have to do is wash it really good and if that dosent work just keep washing. Also if you keep growing bumps on your scalp you possibly might be growing lice, but its rare when you have bumps. So really all you need to do is wash it. (:

How do you treat hair bumps on the back of the scalp?

uuuuuuuuuuh i hate them i have one right now all you can really do leave it alone

Can Chickenpox spread on the skull as well?

While chickenpox lesions will not affect the bony skull, lesions on the scalp are common. You may also get bumps on the face.

Is it common to get large pimples on your scalp that are really painful around the time of your period?

i have the same problem. it should be normal because there most likely period bumps but i dont know why they appear on your scalp. there mostly always on my hairline I break out too before my period, but never on my scalp; however, all women are different. I break out on my back sometimes.

What could cause large robin's egg sized painful bumps all over your head without having sustained any injury?

Scalp folliculitis is something that can cause large bumps on the head. They are caused by a bacterial infection and the bumps are filled with pus. A doctor should be seen right away so the infection can be cleared up.

What are these bumps on your scalp during a migraine headache?

I don't know, but I get them too. With my 24-hour migraine I always find a bump or bumps. If I massage them, the migraine pain lessens. The next day, the bump/s are weeping and crusty, then later a hard scale forms. Gross. What the heck is it?

You just came back from a trip to the woods you have several bites on your scalp that appear to be mosquito bites yet are spreading It has been over 24 hours and there are several new bumps What is th?

first get some alaskin bull moths and bang them with a hammer and the guts you have to spread that on your scalp and that should work

What are small Red bumps on scalp that itch?

Small red bumps on the scalp that itch are in some cases (especially in my case) the result of an allergic reaction (Hives). During the spring and summer when pollen is aundant and temps rise, I develop small red itchy hives on my head. (Hives are usually a blood/heat reaction and since your head is one of the hotest areas of your body, sometimes hives will surface on the scalp. There annoying, but usually pass.

What can cause bumps in the head that leave a patch of hairless skin?

You need to see your doctor. You could have sun damage to your scalp or it could be something else. Sometimes stress can cause this. It's important you get a diagnosis.

What are small very itchy red bumps on my face neck scalp back and chest that look like insect bites which come and go all the time ever since childhood?

its pretty much acne