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Q: What are Characteristics we use to tell the difference between kinds of matter called?
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Characteristics you use to tell the difference between kinds of matter are called?

Characteristics we use to tell the difference between kinds of matter are called _________ Properties?

Characteristics we use to tell the difference between kinds of matter are called?

These characteristics are chemical and physical properties.

What does 'properties' mean in science?

A property is what characteristics something has.

What are physically properties?

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Matter that has parts with different characteristics is called?

heterogeneous matter

Matter that has parts with different characteristics are called n properties?

Heterogeneous matter has parts with different characteristics.

What is the difference between an atom and matter?

Everything in the universe is made up of matter - anything that has a mass and takes up space. Matter is composed of tiny particles called atoms.

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Difference between plasma to the other state of matter?

the difference between plasma and the other states of matter is that,plasma is an ionized gas.

What are the the characteristics property of matter?

matter are composed by particles,particles are very small,particle have space between them

What are the characteristics of the properties of matter?

matter are composed by particles,particles are very small,particle have space between them

What is the difference between density and matter?

The difference is that Density is one way of measuring matter, its a math expression. While Matter is a physical substance.