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This is a very debatable subject and not definitive. I would say none have been gained, but I'm sure some conservative Christian republicans might differ with me. Certainly there would be a range of views on this topic. This one is not from a 'conservative Christian Republican.'

Art, medicine, science, culture, philanthropy, sociology, politics, education and medicine have all had distinctively Christian contributions as well as some brilliant individual Christian contributions. Someone has noted that in many countries colonized by missionary-minded endeavor, the rise of education and culture and learning among the people concerned also occurred. This is not to say that all that occurred was good -there were some frightful abuses. But the society of some peoples was undoubtedly improved as was their health conditions and minority or oppressed groups like women and children.

The rise of freedom and the abolition of slavery were all spearheaded or sought by Christians. Many laws have as their basis distinctively Christian principles. Many depraved individuals who previously were a blot on society have turned from 'darkness to light' and then made and are making a positive, rather then negative impact on society.

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Q: What are Christianity's contributions other than religion to society?
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