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You must ask the Doctor Who did the D&C for advise about this.

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Q: What are Dilation and curretage rules on swimming?
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Name of aborction 12 week?

Past 9 weeeks it have to be a surgical abortion, like a Dilation and curretage.

What is it normally done when you are over 3 months pregnant?

A D&C, Dilation&Curretage. It's possible up to 14 weeks after your last period.

What are the rules of swimming?

there are rules it just depends on what event you are swimming

What is DNC?

The DNC is the Democratic National Committee. But I suspect you meant "D&C" or "D and C." That is an abbreviation of a medical procedure known as Dilation and Curettage, which is the scraping of the lining of the uterus. It is frequently done after miscarriage. If you google on D&C (no spaces), a number of good hits are returned. WebMD is another excellent medical resource.

What r the rules 4 swimming?

there's a whole ton of rules set up by usa swimming and also international rules

What are the rules for Paralympic swimming?


What rules are the same for swimming and gymnastics?

i do not kown

What is the Rules and regulations for swimming?

You have to wear a bathing suit

Rules and regulations in swimming?

The rules and regulations for swimming varies for each swimming club. The general rules that are common for each club are, all contestants must be attired in swimming apparel. Behaving in a manner that can jeopardize his or other's life is strictly not accepted. Children who are not toilet trained are not allowed. All contestants must take shower before entering the pool etc.

Why are rules so important in swimming?

Rules are important in swimming because without rules you can risk your life, especially in this sport. As well as this, nothing can run smoothly without rules. So rules are an important part of the game. There is always a betterment in rules. Of course, somebody experienced must have made them, so there is no point in not following them.

What are the rules when you are competing in the Olympics for swimming?

for the 2000 till now we had to do a swimming position in order and the first one to do all of them first won the swimming part of the olympics

What are rules for swimming?

Think about it your self. I'll write it up soon!