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... as compared to what? - I believe the temperature range is somewhat limited, compared to some other substances.

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Q: What are Disadvantages of alcohol in glass thermometers?
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How are mercury thermometers used today?

Mercury thermometers are rarely used, except in lab thermometers. For human use, they have been replaced by dyed alcohol glass thermometers, or electronic digital thermometers.

What are the Uses of Mercury glass thermometer?

To measure the amount of heat in an object. Not to be confused with alcohol thermometers, mercury thermometers are not manufactured for public use anymore.

What are the two most commonly found in liquid-in-glass thermometers?

if you mean what are the two most commonly found liquids in a liquid-and-glass thermometer then the answer is mercury and alcohol :) hope this helps

Are alcohol thermometers better than mercury thermometers?

They both have advantages and disadvantages: A mercury-in-glass thermometer can measure high temperature (up to 357 0C, the boiling point of mercury; and its freezing point is -39 0C). An alcohol-in-glass thermometer can measure low temperature (down to -115 0C, the freezing point of alcohol; and its boiling point is 78 0C.) A mercury-in-glass thermometer can quickly response to temperature, while an alcohol-in-glass thermometer can only slowly response to temperature. However, mercury is poisonous and alcohol is NOT poisonous. Also mercury thermometers are not allowed on aircraft.

What thermometers are used in the medical field?

For similar reasons as any other field, to measure temperature. They are most often portable mercury or alcohol filled, sealed and graduated glass thermometers.

Different types of thermometers?

Celsius and Fahrenheit Thermometers Clinical Thermometers Ear (Tympanic) thermometers Pacifier Thermometers Underarm or Oral Thermometers Food Thermometers Outdoor Thermometers Mechanism of Different Types of Thermometers Mercury and Alcohol Thermometers Digital Thermometers Alcohol thermometer Beckmann differential thermometer Bi-metal mechanical thermometer Electrical resistance thermometer Galileo thermometer Infrared thermometer Liquid Crystal Thermometer Medical thermometer (e.g. oral thermometer, rectal thermometer, basal thermometer) Mercury-in-glass thermometer

Who created the liquid in glass thermometer?

The two most common liquids used in glass thermometers are mercury and alcohol, both of which were created by M. Nature. Alcohol thermometers are, or were, used in extremely cold areas like the Yukon, where the temperature could be expected to drop lower than -40 in the winter (-40 is where mercury freezes, and it is also the only temperature that is exactly the same on both Fahrenheit and Celsius thermometers).

Why are thermometers made with alcohol instead of water?

thermometers are made out of mercury and alcohol because mercury expands when it is heated

What different kinds of thermometers are there?

There are 34 different types of thermometer that range from alcohol thermometers and ear thermometers to medical thermometers and electrical resistance thermometers.

What two substances are used in the thermometer's glass tube?

MERCURY is commonly used in thermometers designed for medical and elevated temperatures, and ALCOHOL (with a coloured dye) is used in medical and very low temperature thermometers. Both these use glass tubes. Very high temperature thermometers contain Gallium, which is a liquid at room temperature, in a quartz tube.

Is alcohol in alcohol thermometers toxic?

the alcohol in thermometers are either non-potable alcohol or mercury and if you drank either then you would be sick. so yes it is sort of toxic.

What is the difference between clinical thermometers and other mercury-in-glass thermometers?

Clinical thermometers are specifically designed for measuring human body temperature, while other mercury-in-glass thermometers can be used for various purposes such as measuring temperature in laboratories or industrial settings. Clinical thermometers typically have a narrower temperature range focused on human body temperature, while other thermometers may have a wider temperature range. Additionally, clinical thermometers are often designed with features like an easy-to-read scale and a flexible tip for comfort and safety during use.