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Drift velocity refers to a particle's average velocity being influenced by its electric field. Momentum relaxation time is the time required for the inertial momentum of a particle to become negligible.

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Q: What are Drift velocity and momentum relaxation time?
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Is the impulse-momentum relationship related to newton's second law?

Yes. From Newton's Second Law, you know that to accelerate an object, a net force must be applied to it. The impulse-momentum relationship is basically the same thing, but worded differently. It says that if you wish to change the momentum of an object, you need to exert an impulse on it.From: Conceptual Physics, by Paul Hewitt. 11th Edition, Ch. 6 pg. 89.

Can a moving object have impulse in itself?

yes moving objects have impulse

In order to impart the greatest momentum to an object you should?

In order to impart the greatest momentum to an object, you should both exert the largest force possible upon the object in question and extend that force for as long as possible. This is so because the greater the force acting on an object results in a greater change in velocity, which in turn yields a greater momentum. In addition to exerting the largest force possible on an object, you should also extend that force over the longest period of time as possible, as the sustained force also produces more momentum. As p= m•v, the best method in obtaining the greatest amount for 'p' would be to manipulate either the 'm' or 'v' variables. Force= acceleration= change in velocity= MOMENTUM. Greater amount of time= MOMENTUM

How do you calculate speed acceleration and momentum?

Acceleration (ms^-2):The definition of acceleration is the change in speed over time.= change in velocity/time= final velocity-initial velocity/timeMomentum (Kg ms^-1):Momentum is defined as the power of a moving object to keep moving. In this example the heavier truck had more power to keep moving, so it caused more damage.Momentum (P) = mass(m) X velocity(v)Speed :In physics, speed is often measured in meters per second. When we travel, we often use miles per hour.Formula: Rate equals distance divided by timeRate = Distance/Time

What describes velocity?

two things that describe velocity is distance and time.

Related questions

What is momentum relaxation time?


Why does the resistance of conductor rise with temperature?

As temperature increases, the atoms in the conductor vibrate more vigorously, leading to more frequent collisions with free electrons. These collisions impede the flow of electrons, increasing resistance in the conductor.

What do you mean by drift velocity and mobility of a free electron?

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of free electrons as they move in response to an electric field. Mobility of a free electron is a measure of how easily an electron can move through a material under the influence of an electric field, and it is calculated as the ratio of drift velocity to the applied electric field.

How about if the velocity is doubled but the mass remains the same?

If the velocity is doubled while the mass remains the same, the kinetic energy of the object will increase by a factor of four. This is because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. The momentum of the object will also double as momentum is proportional to velocity.

How can it be possible for two objects with different velocities to have the same momentum?

Two objects with different velocities can have the same momentum if one object has a greater mass and a lower velocity while the other object has a lower mass and a greater velocity. Because momentum is the product of mass and velocity, if the product of mass and velocity for each object is the same, their momenta will be equal.

How do you find momentum weight and velocity?

First you have to convert weight into mass. This is dependent on the acceleration the mass is experiencing (either gravitational or centrifugal). If it is gravitational and it is at or near the surface of the Earth then mass=weight/9.81m/s2 If it is centrifugal then a=v2/r and mass=weight*r/v2 Then to find momentum just multiply mass by velocity.

What is Impulse momentum?

Impulse momentum theory: when force is applied to a rigid body it changes the momentum of the body. it is calculated with respect to time and also the velocity is calculated.

How is impulse relative to momentum?

impulse (force x time) is equal to momentum (mass x velocity); Ft=mv

How do you find change in momentum over time given constant velocity?

To find the change in momentum over time when velocity is constant, you can use the formula Δp = m(vf - vi), where Δp is the change in momentum, m is the mass of the object, vf is the final velocity, and vi is the initial velocity. Since the velocity is constant, vf = vi, so the change in momentum will be zero over time.

How can impulse increase?

Impulse is denoted as a change in momentum. Momentum has the units of kilogram meter per second. Which is mass times velocity. So you can decrease the time and increase the velocity to increase the impulse.

The momentum of an object is defined as the objects A mass times its velocity B force times the time interval C force times it acceleration D mass times it acceleration E velocity times?

A. mass times its velocity. Momentum is calculated by multiplying an object's mass by its velocity.

What is impulse momentum theory?

The impulse-momentum theory states that the change in momentum of an object is directly proportional to the impulse applied to it. In other words, the force applied over a certain period of time will result in a change in momentum for an object. This theory is commonly used in analyzing collisions and interactions between objects.