

What are Four plants that are in a temperate grassland?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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In a grassland there are.... Grass, Shrubs, Few Trees, And Wildflowers...

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Q: What are Four plants that are in a temperate grassland?
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Is temperate grassland the same as grassland?

the temperate grassland falls under the category grassland along with the savanna biome. usually when they say grassland, they DO mean temperate grassland.

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true. Its false u ass1hole

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They tend to live in the temperate grassland biome.

What are the plants in temperate?

A prime example of a temperate grassland is the American Midwest. The grassland is made of as its name suggests, of grasses that form a thick network of roots. Other plants include legumes, annuals, and some trees that would be grouped together near a water source like a river.

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a temperate grassland characterized by a great variety of grasses

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temperate forest, temperate grassland, chaparral

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Yes, it can be very windy in grassland

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