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He's a math teacher at my school.

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Q: What are Fred Palascak Mel Doing now?
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What is Paul Newman doing now?

He's dead, and I imagine his spirit is now having a good old time in the next life.

How good is wale's album ambition doing right now?

its doing great but i say he can probably do something better because its nawt his best work, sorry :(

How does weather change earthquakes?

Earthquakes change weather by doing nothing and I've been trying to find the answer to this but i cant so i got bored and now I'm' doing this.

What is Zinedine Zidane is doing now in 2010?

Zinedine Zidane is employed by Real Madrid as a advisor.

Can tattoos get infected after a year?

it depends on you r skin and if the person is a perfeshioal it can if the person also does not now what he/or she is doing

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What is Mel Gibson doing now?

As far as I know he does...Last I heard he smoked like 3 packs a day.

When will lucas kill off Fred?

i do not know when but he is not quitting now he is just starting a new youtube character named doug derky but he is still doing Fred at this moment

What store can you get a shirt of Fred?

You can now get the FRED shirts at Hot Topic.

What has the author Fred Sandback written?

Fred Sandback has written: 'Here and now'

Where does mel b live now?

Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England

Who was the first Waiter at Fred Gangs in Memphis to use the name Fred and where is he now?

That would be me. AKA Steady Freddie. I'm in Utah now.

Is there a Fred plavljanich in lakeland fl?

there used be a Fred plavljanich in lakeland fl,but now he not lol

When was Mel Jersey born?

Mel Jersey was born on October 1, 1943, in Falkenau an der Eger, Sudetenland, Germany [now Sokolov, Czech Republic].

What has the author Fred Cooper written?

Fred Cooper has written: 'Coopers Corner' 'I'm Educated. . .now What?'

What state does Fred live in now?

Columbus, Nebraska

When was Fred Pasquali born?

Fred Pasquali was born on October 31, 1898, in Stamboul (now Istanbul), Turkey.

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