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I have been taking Human growth complex for a month now with no real adverse conditions other than my penis fell off! New York

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Q: What are Human growth complex side effects?
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Related questions

Where can you get reports on the side effects of human growth complex?

Probably FDA or Department of Health. Check their websites.

Are there any medicines that enhance the production of growth hormone in human body without any side effects?

All growth enhancers exhibit negative side effects, many of which will not appear for years. Some can be debilitating.

What describes an antibiotic that is good for a human to take medicine?

The antibiotic kills or prevents the growth of harmful bacteria without causing side effects in the patient.

What are some side effects of Sytropin?

Sytropin is a human growth hormone and you can expect some real side effects from taking it. Common ones include heart trouble, kidney malfunction, and mood swings.

What are the side effects of Somatroph HGH?

Somatroph is a human growth hormone which enhances the pituitary gland to produce more HGH. There are no negative effects of this drug, as the dosage amounts are low.

How would you know an antibiotic is good for a human to take as a medicine?

The antibiotic is safe if it kills or prevents the growth of harmful bacteria without causing side effects in the patient.

What are the signs of a mutation?

Abnormal cell growth and foreign side effects.

What two things make up the lower leg?

Growth Hormones but they have side effects.

What are the side effects of MRI?

The potential side effects of magnetic and electric fields on human health remain a source of debate. In particular, the possible effects on an unborn baby are not well known.

What are the side effects of anti aging supplements for women?

When using anti aging drugs the Human growth hormone comes to mind. Although many drugs have side effects many people will over look this to try to get a benefit. Commonly anti aging drugs can cause insomnia, infertility, and deficiencies in other areas.

What is the effects of drinking 100 plus to human blood glucose level?

No side effects... BUT it should not be taken regularly..

Are human growth hormones illegal in the US?

Yes, and no. They are a controlled substance but are sometimes prescribed in rare cases for people who have severly stunted development, though there are still very serious side-effects even with a controlled dose.